Dae Asks: Favorite Gym

There is a new Shaymin event coming to Japan soon, but I’ll report it once we get full details. So I’ve done a Trainer Class article some time ago, and now we’re going one step further: Gym Leaders and their Gyms. With five generations, and two remakes, we have seen a lot of different Gym … Read more

Dae Asks: Being a Fan

New style for PJN, new style for my logo. Still trying to get a much better one, if time permits… Anyway, here’s the new question: What’s your favorite part of being a Pokémon fan? Why are you a fan? What’s so special about Pokémon that you like it so much? Do you tell people around … Read more

Dae asks: Favorite Pokémon

The one question that rules them all, the one that lies at the heart of every Pokémon trainer. Some will say they have no preference, but we all know that deep inside, they do have one. So, here it comes…. Who’s your favorite Pokémon of all generations? No need for me to explain it further, … Read more

Dae asks: Completion Time

  Still slow news, but at least some are enjoying Rumble Blast and I can get my hands on with Zelda next month… This time no favorite question, but hard cold numbers (and some discussion). How much time do you take to complete the story in your main games? Are you doing it as fast … Read more

Dae asks: Favorite Ingame Moment

I’m back with a new Dae asks. Sorry for the lack of updates, I think we’re all three so busy with life that Pokémon comes in second place… This question was provided by Andrew, and I’ll be doing a variation of it in the next Dae asks. Here it comes! What’s your favorite moment ingame? … Read more

Dae asks: Favorite Rival

Some time ago I asked you guys to send in ideas for a new Dae asks, and a got a few responses. However I need more suggestions for the next community question, so send me a private message if you have something. Today’s question is courtesy of Jandro27, and is rather interesting. Who is your … Read more