Dae asks: Evolution

Dae asks time! News is awfully slow, but that’s the calm before the storm, right? Nintendo is attending E3 next week, and will probably give us new stuff in one of their Directs, as part of reaching an international audience with XY. If not, Corocoro will still leak, normally starting around Monday. So keep checking … Read more

Daely Snack: XY & 3DS

Another Smash, another disappointment. Well, not for me at least, I learned to keep my expectations in check. Just all be patient, new info will likely come around the time of E3, which is around next week Tuesday. In the mean time, enjoy this article by me about XY being released on the 3DS. Enjoy! … Read more

PSA: TCG Giveaway Winners Chosen!

Just a quick heads up: Paul has drawn the winners for the TCG giveaway. However, we can’t announce all the winners until they have replied back to us. So everyone should check their email to see if they’ve won something. You’ll find the details contained in the mail. We’ll put up the list for each … Read more

Journey to X & Y: Episode Two — Welcome to Kalos

[vc_column_text pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [/vc_column_text] [vc_column_text title=”A new region. A new journey. A new article!” pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Since Episode One of Journey to X & Y (which you can read here if you haven’t already!) we’ve had lots of new Pokémon X & Y information fed to us. Several new … Read more

Dae asks: New Type?

It’s been a long while, hasn’t it? I’m so busy nowadays, I hardly have the time to think of a good Dae asks! I hope the Summer will be a quieter period, so I can finally have some rest. In unrelated news, I ordered a Sylveon plush. It is set to arrive in three weeks … Read more

Art Appreciation – Spring Time

Hello everyone, I’m JannyB a new writer for Pokéjungle! I am the first female writer for them so I hope I can bring some girl power to the site! Anyway, here is my first post for you guys, a continuation of the series started by Sammydodger. Remember to add your very own art (and check … Read more