What We Could See in Pokémon ‘Z’…

Now that Pokémon X&Y have been out for a month, it’s time to start talking about the ‘third game’ of Generation VI. Here are some things that I would personally like to see, as well as a few predictions. Characters & Story Comments: Pokémon X&Y gave the main character quite a few friends, and all … Read more

PokéJungle Tournament Discussion

Recently, the comment section has been engaging in discussion of a PJN tournament, where we go all out and fight for #1, whether it be with the best Pokémon or with your favorites. As such, the staff chat has been bustling with discussion over it, with all of us bouncing and throwing ideas out at … Read more

Dae asks: How addicted are you?

You can’t hide it from me anymore. XY have been out for several weeks. It’s time to boot up the 3DS activity log and show the real playtime you’ve got. Surprised? Or is it manageable? Do you dare to post it here? I really hope you do. Or else this post was completely worthless :(. … Read more

Dae asks: Did you buy a 3DS for Pokémon?

I still remember the first year the 3DS launched. It was one rough year, with barely any worthwhile games released for the system. After half a year a massive price cut was issued and people thought Nintendo were doomed forever. Nintendo put all their effort in making the 3DS the success it should have been. … Read more

Dae asks: What do you want to see from my XY review?

I’m still alive! I had a really rough week this week, and mostly four hours of sleep each day. I hardly had the time to check my computer, let alone do something meaningful (sleep deprivation isn’t very helpful when writing articles). Yet, after I finish doing some important homework, I will get back to writing … Read more

JungleTalk — Thoughts on X & Y

It’s been a little over a week since Pokémon X & Pokémon Y released worldwide. hopefully your Kalos Adventure is well under way now, and you’re off exploring the region and discovering everything it has to offer.. Now the games have been out for a while we’d like to know what our readers think of … Read more