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…showed the above silhouette of a bird pokemon! I dunno, you guys think it might be Mamepato’s final stage? Hopefully CoroCoro will…
Plz? Just decided to make one today: Be a fan! (thanks everyone who’s already done it, I appreciate the support…
In addition to the two new Pokemon Pokebeach covered tonight, thought I’d do a quick post before bed of the…
Full credit for the pictures goes to Pokebeach… Bidoof on two legs, no? This is the oft hypothesized about Minezumi…
So everyone who was like “WTF HERACROSS DOESN’T NEED AN EVOLUTION!” or “What?! Shimama doesn’t evolve?!” can rest easy for…
Sorry for the late post! Just woke up! So let’s go over the screenshots! Above shows a new pokemon…