Pokemon Sunday Stream 8/22

Starts in half an hour :3  Other post will provide as-it-happens news. <3 pokejungle ps- Supposed to have new B/W footage.  Don’t expect anything revolutionary 🙁

PSA: Ad Placement Change

Some of you who don’t block ads may notice that I’ve moved the ad from the sidebar to the top of the page under the banner.  I’m experimenting with ad placement in relation to clicks and whatnot.  Unfortunately ads are a necessary evil because PJN, MMC, and Smeargle cost around $170 to host and I … Read more

Dento Just Got Even Cooler (UPD)

Hey guys! Your loyal PJN minion ozymandis here! 😀 We’ve officially past the “one more month” mark until the release of Pokemon: Black and White! Since PJN has now officially started on the Pokemon: Best Wishes anime news, I’ve decided to give you a little news on our own mascot Dento! The voice actor who will play … Read more

2ch Rumors I (UPD1)

We’re gonna start NUMBERING these bad boys from now on.  Since I am waaaaaaay too lazy to actually check what rumor post this is we’re gonna start from the beginning: 1.  As usual, these are most likely false and simply intended to give us food for thought and spark discussion.  Read at your own discretion … Read more

Dent a grass-type Gym Leader? With a tsutaaja!?

Hey guys, resident translator Kriffix here! Reasons that Dent is likely a Grass-type user and most likely has a Tsutaaja, from most solid to weakest. +He shouts out for his Pokémon to use Solarbeam in the Video released yesterday. +The background used when he declares an attack is green. +Said background is identical to when Tsutaaja attacks in … Read more

Best Wishes: New Characters (UPD: Vid)

Normally I don’t cover anime news, but I want to watch ‘Best Wishes’ just for fun, so I’m going to cover some of the major news that comes out.  Thanks PokeMark for the tip off on this news! UPD: translations and small bits by Kriffix In the picture above we have a new character, Shooty. Shooty … Read more