3DS deets

The Nintendo 3DS has just been given a launch date: Feb 28, 2011 in Japan and March for EU and US.  Some quick notes that were also announced: Mii plaza built in (can take photo of yourself and make a Mii with it) “AR Games” (augmented reality) built in to make use of the camera … Read more

Warner Bros. to make live action Pokemon Movie (FAKE)

Kinda late on updating this, but I am the freelance video maker for Pokejungle after all! I might as well make some news videos! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne9vLGSzn-E So its fake? So what! You should just say how much you would actually like or dislike a live action pokemon movie. Would you be okay with it? Would you … Read more

More BW Videos (Parts 21 – 25) UPD 2

Really sorry for the late upload, but here are the next two parts! They are sped up. They each contain about an hour or so of footage in them. Tell me what you think about the videos being sped up. You wouldn’t have to watch me for so long if I sped videos up, and … Read more

Help out with the “Nintendo” situation [OVER]

This was originally a post I had on GameFAQs (UPD: They deleted it for “trolling”… wtf) but I thought I would also appeal to my users to contact Nintendo as well.  I myself have not been contacted by Nintendo, nor have you probably, but we can still help try to rectify this situation because it … Read more

Global Link Promotion + Bios are up!

Hey Pokéjunglers! Ozy here, I finally got the problem with the editing system fixed, so now I’m back and hungry to post! Anways, like the title suggests, the offcial Japanese site has updated with a Global Link promotion , this is just a poll that goes from September 18th (The BW release date) until November 1st. … Read more

Experto stuff Part 3 (UPD8)

Hey Pokejunglers! We’ve had a pretty awesome day, over 3 posts with tons and tons of info, we got over 40,000 views in one day, and best of all, you guys were extremly generous and donated all this money from your own pockets to keep MMC and PJN running. 🙂 On behalf of the entire … Read more