Weather UNTAMED: Sunny Day

Hello, everyone! It’s been ages since I’ve posted. I had a bit of a stressful rut out here in Korea with loads of internal government changes that unfortunately affected my plans for next year, so I’ve had to job hunt. Paired up with graduate courses and extensive language learning has sucked up most of my … Read more

PokéJungle Winter Tournament ’13/’14 Sign-Ups — Closed!

A few weeks back we revealed our plans to launch a network wide tournament, mainly taking place on Poké We asked our readers to complete a quick survey regarding competitive battling and their skills and opinions on how we should hold our tournament. Today we are pleased to announce that the tournament will begin in … Read more

Dae asks: How connected are you?

News is crawling by slower than a three-toed sloth. I guess you can’t really promote new games when you still want to sell the old ones :). Bring on the spin-offs in January, please. Anyway, today’s about a major feature of Pokémon: connectivity. Even more than 15 years ago, Pokémon was designed to bring people … Read more

Daely Snack: Have shinies lost their purpose?

Shinies. The elusive differently coloured Pokémon that were so rare that most people thought they were hoaxes/glitches/hacks. Yet, with the internet becoming more and more widespread, soon everyone knew about them. With a 1 in 8000 chance of finding them, they were truly sought after by collectors who had to put considerable effort into getting … Read more

Dae asks: Favorite Eeveelution

XY have been out for quite a while and we’re back to the same old news lulls. Perfect time for more Dae asks! Today’s question is rather simple. With the newly addition of Sylveon, what is your favorite Eeveelution. With seven eight Pokémon to choose from, there’s plenty of choice but not too many to … Read more

PJM Contest Deadline Looms

A quick reminder that you have until Sunday 24th to send in your PJM applications! Go >>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<< and start emailing right away! I’ll email everyone coming Monday 25th, after which a post will be put explaining the second round. Don’t waste your chance and do it now! And if you email me before Saturday 23rd, you’ll … Read more