PJM Contest Deadline Looms

A quick reminder that you have until Sunday 24th to send in your PJM applications! Go >>>>>>>>>HERE<<<<<<<<< and start emailing right away! I’ll email everyone coming Monday 25th, after which a post will be put explaining the second round. Don’t waste your chance and do it now! And if you email me before Saturday 23rd, you’ll receive not only one but two replies! (shipping costs not included)

In other news, we’ve been testing out some tournament software, and applications will be put out rather soon. We just need to find a good date. Stay tuned!

And in other, other news, there’s been not much of news! So, we would like to hear what you’ve been up to. Got any ideas for articles you’d like to see? Cool battles you’ve won in XY? Tell us in the comments! (note: bragging about shinies is a bannable offense until Dae catches a shiny himself. everyone who violates this rule will see him permabanned until he catches one. sarcasm is not a bannable offense whatsoever)


PS: If Disqus doesn’t want to load, try clearing your cache and cookies. If the problem persists, mail me at [email protected], so I can see if it’s an isolated issue or not. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Due to a Disqus update it is very likely that it won’t load and never will for more than a week. You have to clear your cache and delete your Disqus cookie. If you don’t know how to do this use Google. If you don’t know how to use google (hint: “delete individual cookies firefox/chrome” , “clear cache firefox/chrome”) there’s not much I can do for you 🙂

NOTE: Comments appear to be broken for a few people, and we’re not too sure how to solve the issue. For now please use the site chat to talk with others.