Dae asks: Banked

While we wait for Pokémon Bank, let’s all do something useful before we die of boredom. The more we discuss it, the less they can ignore it, right? Right? So today’s question is: what special Pokémon have you waiting on your older games to be transferred over? Are they mostly BW(2) Pokémon or does anyone … Read more

Dae asks: Which Pokémon Would You Be?

You stare at your computer. Still no updates from the Pokémon side of news. You guess it may still take a while before any news crawls by. Tired, you turn off the computer and get into your bed. “I wish things were more interesting tomorrow”, you think as you fall asleep. When you wake up, … Read more

Daely Snack: No Hoenn Games This Year, Please

Warning, controversial opinion inside. Read the article instead of commenting right away, at the risk of whatever I can throw at you ;). When I’m on the internet reading stuff about Pokémon, nearly the only thing I see are people screaming for Ruby and Sapphire remakes. There have been two remakes before, and it isn’t a … Read more

Mr.Bojingles’ 2014 Pokémon Wishlist

Happy New Year, PokéJungle fans! I hope everyone had a fantastic wrap up of 2013 and a great start to 2014. With a new year brings new challenges, new changes, and perhaps. . .new Pokémon games?! We’ve run into the tradition of always having a third installment of the current generation with even a few … Read more

PokéJungle Recaps 2013

This year was certainly a memorable one in the Poké-verse. Almost a full year ago we were treated to a Pokémon direct that revealed Generation VI of the main series. Many had wondered what other colors or gems there were left to use for their names, but The Pokémon Company surprised us all by announcing Pokémon X & Pokémon … Read more

JungleTalk — Festive Chatterings

News is coming in at an unbelievably slow pace lately, and we haven’t had any articles in the pipes for a little while so our activity has been fairly low. Regardless of that we thought it would be an excellent time to publish another JungleTalk. I actually copied the basic layout and structure of this … Read more