PJT ’14 – Eliminations Round Begins

Later than expected, due to personal issues, I’m happy to bring you an updated regarding the final leg of our 2014 Tournament. Today marks the start of the Eliminations Round, where after 16 more battles we’ll have the very first PokéJungle Champion! Pairings & Challonge Earlier in the week we announced the initial list of … Read more

PJT ’14 – Groups Stage Over & Eliminations Information

Before I begin, I’d like to apologise for the lack of updates over the past week or so. We have now given competitors in our tournament ample time to complete battles within their groups, and it’s now time to update everyone on what exactly will be happening in the coming days. Competitor Disqualifications All competitors … Read more

Dae asks – Best Corocoro Leak EVER

Because moving is too busy with life too lazy to do anything (rumour has it that he got a job at Pokébeach), the article with the Group Stage of PJT will be delayed a bit. But, we still have…me! Not that you want me anyway, I know what you want. Sadly, I can’t give you Corocoro, but it … Read more

Jungle Funnies #9: Dating is a lot like Pokémon…

Rejoice! Our weekly comic has returned now that gaming news has slowed down 🙂 Zach is back and ready to entertain! Have you had a significant other that shared your Poké-Passion? I guess I’m still waiting to find a guy who’s into Pokémon as much as me. Serebii keeps rejecting my advances 🙁 <3 PJ … Read more

PJT ’14 – Soft Deadline & Runner Ups

Our tournament has now been active for three days and there has been some serious competition and surprising results. There’s not a huge amount for us to update on while Groups Stage battles are taking place, but we’ve decided to keep you updated (perhaps a little early as is the case with one thing!) on … Read more

PJT ’14 – The Games. They Begin.

7 months of planning. 3 months of waiting after sign-ups closed. 40 participants. Three weeks of hardcore battling. This is it. The PokéJungle Tournament of 2014 begins today. ALL COMPETITORS MUST READ THIS POST FULLY TO UNDERSTAND HOW THE GROUPS STAGE WILL WORK. Before we begin, the following people still need to confirm their teams … Read more