Pokémon Day Celebrations are HERE!

February 27th is ‘Pokémon Day’, but even though that’s technically tomorrow at the time of this post, it doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate early! Here are the events straight from the official press release (bolding mine): Pikachu will lead the Pokémon Day celebration in Pokémon GO. From February 26, 1:00 pm PST, to March 6, 1:00pm PST, any … Read more

Switch Reveal Opinion Extravaganza

It’s Dae here! I promised to write up a bit on my opinion on the Switch reveal, but it turned out to be longer than I expected. Therefore I’ll take this opportunity to publish my first article in a couple of years. Enjoy! Let’s get the conference out of the way first; it was a … Read more

Pokémon Mascot Showdown: Generation VII

Hey everybody, due to certain circumstances, we’re bringing you the last regional Mascot Showdown a little bit later! The winner of the last showdown is Xerneas with 53%. Let’s move on to our last region: Alola. This brand new region is the startpoint for Generation VII – bringing incredible, new features like Trials, Z-Moves, the Battle … Read more

Mascot Pokémon Showdown: Generation V

Hello everybody, we’re bringing you another Mascot Pokémon Showdown. The winner of last time is Giratina with 56%! Now it’s time for Unova. Generation V released in 2010 in Japan and in 2011 in the rest of the world. This time, the generation consisted of four games: Black, White, Black 2 and White 2, and introduced amazing features, such as seasons, triple and rotation battles and … Read more

Mascot Pokémon Showdown: Generation III

Hey everybody, it’s time for a new Mascot Pokémon Showdown. But first, the winner of last time is Lugia with an amazing 50%! Now we’re moving on to Hoenn. Generation III came out in 2002 in Japan and in 2003 in the rest of the world. This generation is home to three games: Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. Generation III introduced some … Read more

Underneath the Mask: The Mystery of Silvally

Type: Null and its evolution Silvally are odd Pokémon, and I don’t just mean their chimera-like designs. Ever since Type: Null was first released, folks speculated that it might receive an alternate Form without its mask, but I don’t think anyone expected that it would evolve. I doubt anyone was imagining such a weird way … Read more