Giveaway: Gūn’s Scizor! (JP)

Since I have the Japanese Diamond version I was able to grab the limited edition ‘Gūn’s Scizor’ present from WiFi.  Aaaaaand I’ve decided that one of you guys probably wants it more than I do.  It might be released in other countries when the movie comes out, but this one retains its Japanese name in … Read more

Oha Suta shows of LIVE CASTER!

httpv:// One never knows when POKeJUNGLE is awake or not.  But right now I am!  So I post this video for the consumption of you!  </engrish>  Anyways, it’s 2am but I figured I’d update the page with this little vid from Oha Suta.  They try out the live caster feature, which as it turns out, … Read more

New Pokemon info in Famitsu?

There is a possibility that new Pokemon information will come to light in the upcoming Famitsu (game magazine) release which is on the 15.  I will wait with bated breath, but it could only cover things CoroCoro just revealed.  I bought Famitsu whenever it had Pokemon information while I lived in Japan :p  I liked … Read more

Hi-Rez Scans (UPD- New scan!)

Scan 1- (I knew this was missing but it JUST popped up!) Page 3: Introducing CHEREN!  In that first screenshot he’s saying “Inside this present are our Pokemon”, which explains why the trailers have show a present being unwrapped before you choose your pokemon.  The little screenshot below that is the “card” on the present … Read more

Still waiting!

I can’t believer higher resolution pictures or scans haven’t surfaced of the CoroCoro pages!  Now it’s just a matter of time.  This is kind of my “post of the night” just I’m anxious for the scans, but I also might go to sleep early.  I’m pretty wiped out from 2 days of 8hr shifts.  Then … Read more

BW Pamphlet Scans! (Complete translations)

Scan 1- Showing off the new “triple battle” feature that was first seen back in the Oha Suta trailer.  Position of your pokemon in player is important for some new attack dynamics. Scan 2- Talking about wireless features, the map in the bottom right hand corner shows the new map!  You can exchange information and … Read more