CoroCoro leaks (UPD5)

Click “Show” for pictures! [spoiler] [/spoiler] Yanappu – Grass Type – Grass Monkey Pokemon Baoppu – Fire Type – High Temperature Pokemon- New move called Bursting Flame which effects all nearby opponets Hiyappu – Water Type – Water Pouring Pokemon- Has a new move called Boiling Water that is a water type move, but can cause … Read more

Serebii’s Legendary Information

Here’s information Joe has released from his secret sauce.  You can take it or leave it if you’re the doubting type.  It is as follows: [spoiler] 153 pokemon obtainable through gameplay with 3 more legendaries that will be distributable #633-#635 is the psuedo-line, Dark/Dragon #638 Steel/Fighting Legendary (Trio 1) #639 Rock/Fighting Legendary (Trio 2) #640 … Read more

Experto pt (UPD7)

I know that I was just having a discussion with Kryzz about this and whether or not we should post Experto information BUT… I found his first twitter update today to be very interesting.  Hit “show” for images! [spoiler] [/spoiler] #551 Meguroko Ground/Dark #552 Meguroko Evo, stands on two legs w/ spiked back Ground/Dark [Wow, … Read more

Exclusive Video: IR Trading (UPD1)

Aaaaaand I made a YouTube account for the site just so I could upload this 🙁  Normally I don’t bother with this sort of uploading because a gazillion other people do it before me.  However… this video is not one you’ve seen before.  Not groundbreaking by any means, but it does show that through IR … Read more

Don George + Best Wishes Preview

Imma split this post up from the last one :3 Don George – The manager of the ‘Pokémon Battle Club’ a facility that allows trainers to battle and perfect their technique. Sometimes he gives you advice when you try to teach new moves to Pokémon. httpv:// Is it just me or does it look like … Read more

Pokexperto Day 4 (UPD5)

Starting early today.  3am.  Maybe I’ll fall asleep soon.  Maybe not.  Anyways we’re still waiting for confirmation that any of this is actually legitimate.  Just sayin’. #538 Judo pokemon that can be seen here.  Apparently that karate outfit is part of it and it has red skin with big eyes and nose.  #539 Judo Evo … Read more