Black & White: Tidbits

Alerted by PokeBeach, Gamespot’s E3 layout is indeed showing that Nintendo has plans to display at least some promotional pictures, videos, or materials regarding Pokemon Black and White.  Frankly I would guess it to be trailers that we have already seen… POSSIBLY translated to English.  Probably nothing too new for those of us who have … Read more

Rumors on 2ch…

Since we’re waiting for CoroCoro to leak, why not look at the current rumors?!  Below are 100% unconfirmed and probably baseless rumors: Professor * Several posts on 2ch have said that Araragi ( アララギ ) is the new professors name. In Japanese that is a type of Lily… female professor!? Legendaries * Reshiram is rumored … Read more

Under Construction…

Anyone who is watching can see me working on this blog haha xD EDIT: It’s beginning to look a lot better.  Right now I really just need to make the header image link back to the index and I’m finished 😀  Now to add news to the site hehe~  Waiting for CoroCoro to leak. Comments … Read more