Pokéology: X/Y Edition

Hey guys. Long time no see– it’s been four months! Crazy how time flies when you’re busy– I’ve moved house, had an entire sports season, worked as the tech director for my school’s musical.. I can’t believe my last article was a few days after we found out about X and Y, that sure feels … Read more

PokéJungle TCG Giveaway

I feel that we’ve had a GREAT year so far and with Pokémon X & Pokémon Y coming later this year things can only get better! It’s my great pleasure to announce our new giveaway which is TCG-themed with a great prize for one lucky winner: a set of 3 Pokémon TCG EX Power Tins! … Read more

Pokémon Tretta Coming to 3DS

A Japan-only Pokémon arcade game will soon be making its way to the Nintendo 3DS in Japan. “Pokémon Tretta Lab” will be sold as a physical addon which includes a code to download the game from the eShop. Tretta is a game based on battling and catching Pokémon in 3 vs 3 battles using physical … Read more

Norse Mythology & The X & Y Legendaries

Everybody seems to love speculation, with all the rumours and stories that are floating around right now, we could probably write the script for Pokémon X & Y ourselves! So I thought I would jump on board and come up with a few ideas of my own! In this article I am going to attempt … Read more

Dae Asks: June Corocoro Hopes & A Tweet From Masuda!

The one not by Dae. Again. It’s time for a Dae Asks! But, by me again and not Dae. He seems to have vanished without a trace, we’ve got Looker on it though, so expect his return soon. Corocoro is right around the corner and everyone is hoping for a bucketload of information on X … Read more

Journey to X & Y: Episode One — Final Starters

Six months. Half a year. It’s still a long wait until X & Y release internationally and everyone is eagerly waiting new information about the games. In this new feature we plan to propose and explore ideas with our readers about what we would like to see in the new games, you will help shape … Read more