Welcome to the second edition of PJM Newsroom! Let us immediately go to the first announcement of today!
Submissions for contest still open
Know you can still submit your bio and short story for the PJM contest! For details visit >>>HERE<<<. You still have plenty of time left but don’t wait too long because I neeeed submissions!
Name change and logo
Already announced in the contest write-up, PJNM will be shortened to PJM. We also have a (temporary) logo featuring Chespin from our in-house artist moving. From now on, Chespin will be the mascot for the magazine, like Sewaddle is for the site.
Tentative release date
We’re still aiming for a mid-February release date. The deadline for all the content is at the end of December, after which we can start putting everything together using Digital Publishing Software. We’ll be using Scribus, since it is open-source but a still relatively strong DSP.
Got feedback? You can still mail us!
If you want to hit us up with something, you can do so through [email protected]. This is also the place if you’ve got any concerns, complaints, or crazy ideas. We’ll normally get back to you in one day, and we even reply faster on weekends too!
Content announcement
For this week we’ll reveal the staff-focused section. The first few pages will include a page with a picture of every staff member along with a short bio, a poll among the whole staff and two interviews featuring the man behind the site himself and Daedardus! If there is something you really want to know about those two staff members, you can ask so through the email provided earlier.
We have to admit news is calm at the moment, but we’re exploring options to make things more interesting. More on that later. See you next time!