Pokemon Sunday Wrap-up 9/5

Ok here’s what happened: Nothing 😐  You’ll get a special message at PokeCenters on your birthday.  Whoo. You’ll also unlock special items for Pokemon Musical on your birthday (such as… a cake) Masuda will reveal a NEW thing about Black/White next week <3 pokejungle ps- We can resume squabbling about the starters now that Pokemon … Read more

Starter Evolutions? Who cares

Anyone else sick of wasting their brain thinking about it?  😐 <3 pokejungle ps- hour and a half until pokemon sunday airs :3  Stream will be posted just like most weeks 😀

Yanappu in a Monkey Trio? + Fakemon (UPD4)

Hey Pokejunglers! A while back we got a rumor that our little friend Yanappu would have a water, grass, fire trio and this picture just surfaced on 2ch and pretty much makes it true. (that is if it’s real) As you can see in the picture, you see Yanappu on the left and you see … Read more

‘the493’ Exclusive Wallpaper

Way back when I did a post linking to a gallery of minimalistic Pokemon wallpapers that I really liked and thought my visitors would too.  After that the artist gladly agreed to help me with the next PJN layout and we affiliated with PLDH.  Now they have finally finished all 493 pokemon wallpapers… so what … Read more