Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Soundtracks on iTunes

The soundtrack from Pokémon Diamond & Pearl, originally released in 2007 for the Nintendo DS, are now available for purchase on Apple’s iTunes music store. There are 149 “tracks” available which vary in length from 4 seconds to 4 minutes. The entire album can be purchased for $9.99 or individual tracks can be purchased for $0.99. … Read more

What do you want from PokéJungle.net?

Here, at PokéJungle.net, I think it’s safe to say all of us are utterly tired with the lack of Pokémon news. There are slow trickles every so often, but nothing huge, or overly interesting. A few of the staff team having been working hard on Retry Level (which we’re actually rethinking, but you should check … Read more

Amazing Pokémon Logos Created by Fan

A fan going by Sindorman (check out their deviantArt account!) has created a series of amazing logos based on existing places in the Pokémon world along with some original ‘businesses’. I was too impressed not to share them with you guys 🙂 My favorites are the Cherubi and Musharna ones! What do you think? Any favorites? … Read more

JungleTalk: Rumour Time!

Happy Pi day everyone! You may be wondering: “Why is there hardly any news on Pokéjungle?”. Well, the reason is clear. There is just no news we find worthwhile to post. Unlike other sites, we’re not a news site but a community blog. We strive to inject news with our opinions and experiences. There just … Read more

Honedge Comes to Life at the Hands of Sword Craftsman

Tony Swatton, a sword craftsman, took on the creation of a real-life Honedge after fans suggested it on his YouTube. He’s also crafted many other movie and video-game based weapons, but this was his first foray into the Pokémon universe. As you can see in the video above, he did a great job! Lots of … Read more

Guest Submission: Baton Pass It On

Today we bring you an article by our very own RocketClauncher. It was his submission for the PJM Writing Contest and the rules stated that everyone who didn’t win could get a second chance. So here it is! Baton Pass It On Pokémon is timeless. Who knew back in the 90’s that this whole thing … Read more