Jungle Funnies #7: Link Goes HD

Zach and I both agreed from the beginning that Jungle Funnies wasn’t going to solely focus on Pokémon. Almost everyone here is a Nintendo fan and probably also a gamer so occasionally he’ll touch on issues outside our Pokéverse 🙂 Today is the first such comic and looks at the slight disappointment some Zelda and … Read more

Jungle Funnies #6: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

We all know May wanted to be the star of Pokémon Contests, but did she even have a choice in the first place? Zack Flavin looks at one of Pokémon’s gender stereotypes. <3 PJ FEATURED DISCUSSION: Who will you use in Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire? by New Archeops127

Starters Untamed: Kalos

Wow. . .it’s been quite a while, folks! I’ve been keeping up with the site, but I haven’t posted anything in some time. I’ve been posting more on Retry Level, so you can always look for me there. It’s been a tough balance between the two sites! I’ve been wanting to do a new Starters Untamed … Read more

Jungle Funnies #5: Swagger

Zach is back with a great new comic 😀 Looks like Mega Swampert will be kicking ass and taking names 😉 <3 PJ FEATURED DISCUSSION: E3 2014 

JungleTalk: E3 Predictions

Another year, another E3. The next few days are going to make up the biggest week in gaming this year, with tonnes of gaming related news coming in from every direction. As we did last year we will cover only Nintendo’s Digital Event (though we will be covering all the other conferences and the entire … Read more

Jungle Funnies #4: Gloomy Goomy

This week is actually sort of a break for our cartoonist Zach Flavin, but he was kind enough to sketch something up quick for us 😀 We all have those days that just don’t quite go as planned, so in the comments I’d like to hear about your #worstdayever! Bonus points if it relates to … Read more