Black and White Tidbits (UPD1)

Image… unrelated.  I just thought Mamambou’s pose was interesting ;D  Yahoo! Kids website revealed some *very* minor details so I thought I’d share them with you.  Translated the information from blue skY. Swanna learns “Brave Bird” (not sky attack, video confirmed this.  Thanks guys <3) Shikijika learns energy ball which we had already confirmed from … Read more

Official Pokemon Site Update (UPD2)

The new information we got in CoroCoro has now been added to the official Japanese website for Black/White.  If you wanna see some clear screenshots head on over to the site. Very little new information, but some confirmation on a few things: Moguryuu’s abilities BOTH activate when sandstorm is active ‘Sand Scatter’ raising speed and … Read more

Wakoishi, Plant Pokemon = Fake

A user in the comment section of my site has identified screenshots that he faked.  I have to admit, Wakoishi was by far the best.  The only thing we really had to doubt about it was the cave setting.  The plant-creature is also fake so I’m sure MANY of you will breath a sigh of … Read more

New Black and White Demo Details! [UPD2: Pics Added]

spmb has now updated with details of someone’s personal experience with the BW Demo.  I have translated the details below for you all~ (Don’t bother watching the video it is almost all text and if you can’t read Japanese it won’t do you much good) Demo takes place in and around Sekka City When you … Read more

If you had to make a team…

Using ONLY 5th gen pokemon that have currently been revealed… what 6 pokemon would make the cut?  I’m curious to see if we get some similar comments :]  For the purpose of this you can’t include hypothetical evolutions, such as the starter’s evolved form.  Just pretend that all these pokemon have equally good base stats … Read more

Unconfirmed: CoroCoro Battle Info (FAKE)

Someone is leaking details that are apparently from this issue of CoroCoro and match up with previous information that was leaked before we got image confirmation.  That being said, take this with a grain of salt as it is a rumor. Miracle Shooter allows you to use items during battles over wireless/wifi and you can … Read more