
So, while we’re waiting for more news to break, anyone want to share how they felt when they saw some of the new pokemon and the new triple battle feature?  I know it wasn’t a pleasant surprise for me. btw- feel free to share your favorite 5th gen pokemon that have been revealed so far … Read more

New Pokemon Revealed! (Pics+Vid)

httpv:// Alright updated all I’m gonna do on these.  It’s old news by now anyhow.  Since I found SPP’s translations to be a bit confusing as to which pokemon was which I just put the names right next to them in the screenshots for your viewing pleasure.  And exclusively I have revealed the 3 unnamed … Read more

New Screenshots has been updated with some new screenshots on their news article detailing the release date of the black and white games (no new information to divulge though with it).  These aren’t too excited, but we can see Mijumaru using Surf and the two legendaries duking it out.   The last two screenshots show off … Read more

Is this your rival?

This is a screenshot of Pokemon Sunday and the above screenshot is saying “I will become the champion”.  Could this be our rival…?  If so it looks like he’s much older than any from previous generations. Also important (in order during the clip):  Battle animations are shown and look AWESOME if I may be so … Read more

More 2ch Gossip Translated

Because I have fun with it, I’ve decided to translate some RUMORS again.  So… this is just for fun.  I think only 2 or 3 of the last turned out to be true, so don’t put any bets on these: Nitro Charge (ニトロチャージ) a fire attack that can raise speed Shell Blade (シェルブレード) a water … Read more

Dogasu’s Backpack Previews Tsutaya DVD

Dogasu’s Backpack got ahold of a promotional DVD Tsutaya (Blockbuster-esque video/music rental store in Japan) has right now for the upcoming Zoroark movie.  And while I’m not into the anime and do not cover news about it, the DVD did include some cool little Black/White tidbits that I felt were worth your attention.  Like how … Read more