Starters Untamed: Kanto

Good day fellow PJ-ers! Mr. Bojingles here reporting for duty. This is a new article that PJ and I contrived regarding the analysis of the pokemon during competitive Pokémon play. What I’ll be doing is basically going over how different pokemon fare in the competitive world. While I’ve been playing Pokémon since its inception in the late 90s, I only recently got sucked into playing other players. If anybody who has ever played in tournaments/online can definitely relate when I say this game is WAY deeper than it comes off to the uninitiated. I think that these articles will help those of you out who are interested in playing competitively, and if not, then I hope you enjoy the read.  To start off this series I’ll be going over the starters of each generation (starting with Gen I of course). It’s only logical to go begin with the ones who started it all!  Read it all after the break!

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Focus On: Grass-Type

All good things must come to an end and this is the last type to focus on for ‘Generation V’ pokemon.  Luckily, as we’ve mentioned before, this only means that our ‘Focus On’ articles can find new subjects to cover.  Ozy will be diving into Black and White’s different gym leaders next!  Let’s dive into … Read more

PJ Plays: Explorers of Sky [#1]

Welcome to a NEW running article feature of the site, “PJ Plays”.  I’ll be trying out pokemon side games from the past and present and writing about them as I play (instead of a review-style overview).  So join me as I tackle Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.  I’ve never played any of the previous Dungeon installments so even though this is the 5th game it’ll be an entirely new experience for me (a disclaimer because I can’t complain about how similar it was to the last games).  Even though I don’t have previous experience I do know a lot about the games since I’ve covered them from a news aspect.  Find the article after the break!

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Focus On: Bug-Type

Ah bugs.  The pokemon we often encounter early in our adventures and rarely take with us to the Elite 4.  Black and White was extremely kind to this type though as it added more bug pokemon than any previous generation and some with stats near or over a base total of 500, making them much … Read more

randomness to make up for the lack of posting

Picture…unrelated. But it did make me chortle outloud so I thought it was worth sharing. 😛 Sorry for the delay on the latest ‘Focus On’, seems all the staffers are having family troubles this week. :l But we promise it’ll be up by the end of the week!So in the mean time, let’s get some … Read more

Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs Review

I know, I know… I’m late.  Don’t know why I put this off for so long since I finished the game about a week and a half ago, but I apologize to those of you who have been waiting for me to give my verdict.

Guardian Signs was not my first ‘Pokemon Ranger’ game.  I had also played the second one (Shadows of Almia) as well.  In many ways this new game improved upon my previous experience, but I definitely see a lot of the same.  One of the biggest changes, for me, was the exclusion of selectable ‘partner pokemon’ that traveled with you and were not just “single use” like the normal wild pokemon you would encounter.  Instead you are stuck with “Ukulele Pichu” for the entirety of the game… whether you are a fan of the electric rodent or not.  Being the grass and bug pokemon fan that I am, I would’ve preferred some choice in the matter.  Find the full review after the break

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