Pokéology: Druddigon

Hey guys! Been a long week for me, as my schooling has finally started for the year and has taken over my life. Thankfully, I got Labor day off. Hope you all have been having a great week, and I hope you’re not getting overworked! Although my articles can seem short a lotta times, I … Read more

Pokéology: Porygon, Porygon 2 & Porygon Z

So here’s a requested Pokémon! When I asked about first generation Pokémon, most people said Porygon; so here we go. It works great because it spans three generations! First, Second, and Fourth. Pretty large family. I think it’s a delightful series of Pokémon; quite a fantastic concept. But hey, that’s what this article is about! … Read more

Pokéology: Yanma & Yanmega

Heya. Seems like so long from last week, right?… No? Dang; I must be doing too much. You might’ve noticed the lack of the banner; I’m still working on a new version, and haven’t had time to get it up. But when I have everything decided, it should look great. This week I decided to … Read more

Pokéology: Lapras

Heya, welcome to this week’s edition of Pokéology, this week covering Lapras, everyone’s favorite water taxi! I’m trying out a new banner, any suggestions? I wanted to keep the animated sprite at the top of the post, but I wasn’t sure how it looks. Comments? A beautiful creature, Lapras is known for how friendly it is. … Read more

Pokéology: Dunsparce

Happy Tuesday! I’ve been out getting horribly sunburnt, but hopefully you guys have had a better time this summer than I have. So here’s Dunsparce, the obvious candidate for a biological exploration. It was hard to pick a Johto Pokémon, as I enjoy way too many of them in a biological sense, but I decided this fellow is a … Read more

Pokéology: Feebas & Milotic

Heya folks, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the warm welcome; being a staff member here is such a dream come true. If you can guess, I’m currently working backwards in the article generation by generation, just to get even coverage of a variety of designs and concepts used in … Read more