Happy 4th!

Posting this a bit early, but happy 4th to all Americans~   I will be at work for the day, so I wanted to get this up now @_@;  Enjoy the fairs, fireworks, etc No new news on the gaming front, all is calm.  Hopefully that means there is a storm of information waiting to … Read more

Small updates~

The demo that I announced over a week ago has finally gotten firm dates. August 7th – September 12th special buses will be touring Japan offering demos.  Maybe I could put in a special request for one to stop in Minnesota? Also SPP has 3 new screenshots that are not really anything new at all, … Read more

So this turned out to be real huh?

I had actually not posted this because I thought it was fanart lmfao.  Guess not.  If Serebii thinks its real… probably is.  I pointed out the new pokemon.  All the names are too blurry to read besides Koromori, which incidentally bears a striking resemblance to koffing if it grew wings.  “mori” can mean “forest” so … Read more

BW News Break

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRKr7Zk8T04 Amusing video :3  I know that the original theme for the anime brings back some memories :p  I used to watch it when it first premiered… I think I was in 5th grade.  Ahhh.  Good times.  Plus we had like neighborhood TCG trades and stuff.  Let me have a few moments to reminisce. So… … Read more

Ash’s Pikachu

Starting July 15th Japanese 4th generation games will be able to download PIKACHU via Nintendo’s WiFi connection.  It’s a very special one since it is Ash’s very own.  Here are the details: Male OT: Satoshi (Ash) Item: Light Ball Ability: Static Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle Sorry I was late on the … Read more


So, while we’re waiting for more news to break, anyone want to share how they felt when they saw some of the new pokemon and the new triple battle feature?  I know it wasn’t a pleasant surprise for me. btw- feel free to share your favorite 5th gen pokemon that have been revealed so far … Read more