CoroCoro leak! (few small updates)

These are pretty small images, even after you click the thumbnails, so we’ll hopefully get better shots soon… but may have to wait until tomorrow.  I guess these will have to tide us over 😀 Scan 1 – Kibago, Koromori, and Minezumi are shown.  Koromori seems to focus on its heart shaped nose, as we … Read more

Pokemon Sunday…

…showed the above silhouette of a bird pokemon!  I dunno, you guys think it might be Mamepato’s final stage?  Hopefully CoroCoro will leak tonight or tomorrow night 😀 <3 pokejungle ps- I love all my fans who have already joined pokejungle on Facebook!  And… to be honest I love all my fans who haven’t joined us on … Read more

Be one of our first facebook fans!

Plz?  Just decided to make one today: Be a fan! (thanks everyone who’s already done it, I appreciate the support x3) BTW- I’m going to work now and will be trapped there for the next 7hrs.  We’re starting to get into the “CoroCoro might leak” timezone so if I miss anything it will be updated … Read more

More CoroCoro Rumors

In addition to the two new Pokemon Pokebeach covered tonight, thought I’d do a quick post before bed of the latest CoroCoro “summaries” that have been posted.  Totally unconfirmed and possibly made up bs: Gochiruzeru (green blob), Rankurusu (goth), Kibago (larvitar-ish one), Hatopo- (notice PO not BO, still long “o” but I feel like people … Read more

Pokebeach reveals 2 pokemon! (UPD)

Full credit for the pictures goes to Pokebeach…  Bidoof on two legs, no?  This is the oft hypothesized about Minezumi NOT Nezumimi.  And no name on the other pokemon yet 🙂  I just call it red ears 😀  (red-orange really). Minezumi is also the pokemon features in this leaked screenshot: <3 pokejungle ps- After reading … Read more

NOA Rumors = FALSE

So everyone who was like “WTF HERACROSS DOESN’T NEED AN EVOLUTION!” or “What?!  Shimama doesn’t evolve?!” can rest easy for the moment.  Personally I still don’t think Shimama will evolve :p  But maybe, who knows. That’s what sucks about rumors though.  They aren’t always true 🙁  And I wasted at least an hour of my … Read more