Small Yet Strong event announced for Pokémon GO

The Small Yet Strong event in Pokémon GO will focus on some adorable and small Pokémon from Wednesday, February 5, at 10 a.m. until Saturday, February 8, 2025, at 8 p.m. local time. Read about how to make the most of the event below!

This event will introduce the ability to encounter Shiny Nymble! Both Nymble and its evolution Lokix can be seen above in their normal and Shiny coloration.

Pokémon encounters and Eggs

While the event is active, the following Pokémon will spawn more commonly in the wild:

  • Paras*
  • Natu*
  • Plant Cloak Burmy*
  • Sandy Cloak Burmy*
  • Trash Cloak Burmy*
  • Joltik*
  • Tynamo*
  • Red Flower Flabébé* (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa)
  • Blue Flower Flabébé* (Asia-Pacific region)
  • Yellow Flower Flabébé*(Appearing in the Americas)
  • Nymble*

Players may also encounter the more rare White Flower Flabébé* and Orange Flower Flabébé* regardless of region.

Pokémon Eggs

The following small (yet strong) Pokémon will be hatchable in 2 km Eggs:

  • Togepi*
  • Azurill*
  • Budew*
  • Chingling*
  • Espurr*
  • Dedenne*

*An asterisk indicates that this Pokémon may be Shiny

Raid bosses

Players interested in challenging Raids will be able to find the following Pokémon appearing:

Five-Star Raids

  • Dialga* until February 6 at 10 a.m.
  • Enamorus (Incarnate Forme) starting February 6 at 10 a.m.

Mega Raids

  • Mega Medicham* until February 6 at 10 a.m.
  • Mega Tyranitar* starting February 6 at 10 a.m.

*An asterisk indicates that this Pokémon may be Shiny

Event bonuses and activities

During the event, the following will be available:

  • Double XP for catching Pokémon.
  • Increased chance to encounter wild XXS and XXL Pokémon
  • Event-themed Field Research tasks
  • Event-themed Timed Research
  • Event-themed Collection Challenge
  • PokéStop Showcases

As a Nymble fan, I’m definitely going to be out there looking for a Shiny! Do any of the Pokémon featured in this event appeal to you? Let us know in the comments! Don’t forget to also join our Discord server and share your latest GO Shinies!

January Giveaway

Open until February 8, 2025! Enter now!