Challenge Scream Tail and Iron Bundle in Tera Raids

Owners of Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet will be able to challenge Scream Tail and Iron Bundle in the upcoming Tera Raid Battle event! These Pokémon will show up in a specific version, but you can find friends to invite you to the opposite version’s Tera Raids.

Details for the Scream Tail and Iron Bundle Tera Raid Battle event

Date: Thursday, January 23, at 6:00 p.m. CST until Sunday, January 26, at 5:59 p.m.

Owners of Pokémon Scarlet will see Scream Tail in 5-Star Tera Raids, while players in Pokémon Violet will see Iron Bundle in 5-Star Tera Raids.

Let us know if you think you’ll be participating in this Tera Raid Battle event in the comments and join our Discord server to find other fans to team up with!