Gamers hoping to take Super Mario Run on the go without a cellular (or mobile WiFi) connection may be disappointed to learn that the game requires an ‘always-on’ internet connection to function.
With its December 15th iOS launch date nearing, those interested in purchasing should be aware of the restrictions that come along with its $10 price tag.
Will the game be on your holiday wish list? Or is this enough to put it permanently on the naughty list until Nintendo reconsiders?
darn. now i cant eat a hamburger without data
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore
You aren’t, you need data for that
Hehe, did you get the reference tho
I, personally, hate the fact that you MUST be online to keep playing.
Not useful for people with small data bundles.
and it could be a data eater too
And to pour more salt into the wound,they’re making $10 just to get the game.$10!!!
Omg just saw the new English trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2.8. Life is meaningless until January 24th
Alright that’s the nail in the coffin for me. The gameplay on Jimmy Fallon made me kinda interested but 10$ plus data? Nope nope
this game is gonna be a fad for a couple of weeks then die out like most games.
The worst part is some people will fork out stupid amounts of money to play the game so the developers will justify the charge.
That’s Nintendo’s problem with mobile. Their apps are cool because they are unique and have that Nintendo charm but not enough content to keep players for longer than a month
Unique? In what way? Every aspect of this game has been used in thousands of games already! Nintendo is VERY late in the mobile gaming franchise. Should’ve started jumping in 2 years ago when side running games were more popular and their ideas weren’t recycled just with Nintendo’s name branded on top. Was so excited for this game, but I don’t want to pay $10 and always be using my internet when I open it.
What’s the reason for needing an internet connection all the time for the game? Are you constantly playing against other players?
theres leaderboards
That’s hardly a reason.
“*in an insane angry freak out voice* OOOOOOHHHHHH WELL THAT MAKES IT OKAY THEN”
– Arin Hanson, Nickelodeon Guts 2013(?)
Just because that? Why isnt there an option to turn it off or something like that?
-.-, damnit Nintendo
Wasn’t the whole point of putting Nintendo games on mobile devices to make their franchises more accessible?
But then you put a $10 price tag, limit it to iOS devices and make it necessary to have data.
its coming to android just later on
Why not release on both platforms at the same time? I can understand if they focused on optimizing for iOS first because that was the original plan, but they should have at least had a functional android version as well.
its dumb
It’s also a deal with Apple…
oh yeaaaa Apple sure does love deals
I didn’t know that,but even then it Doesn’t matter.
A random person won’t download a $10 game when they can get millions of others for free, only people who’ll get it are die-hard Nintendo fans which is the opposite of what Nintendo wants
I really hate how many games are always online nowadays. Well, I hate a lot of triple A stuff in gaming nowadays but the always online stuff kills me the most. The only time a game should need an internet connection is if you are doing something online. Not just playing single player with no other players or extra content
im worried about the fire emblem and animal crossing mobile games
I really hope they don’t mess those two games up,especially Fire Emblem.After Fates,I just want a good Fire Emblem game again (I don’t hate the game,I just don’t like it and don’t consider it to be all that good)
Honestly I’d star setting my expectations for the FE mobile game low now. I mean we can’t expect much out of it, but certainly not the sort of gameplay as we’re use to.
As for your feelings of Fates, let’s be completely honest here. While the FE fandom can agree on the objectively good and bad points of any game, nobody can agree with what games are good or bad. Personally I loved fates, I hate FE 9 and honestly until Awakening I felt that FE 7 was going to be he last good entry, and even then I would argue most of what came before it was hot garbage at worst and a reason to get the creator of Fire Emblem off the series at best.
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Exactly. Shooters and couch coop have been ruined. Even halo that helped keep it alive cut it in favor of fps. It’s so dumb
Anyone would like breedject Torkoals? They have 3 egg moves including the important one, Eruption. Quiet nature with probably zero speed.
Hey men, are you still ok to provide me some help ?
If I randomly catch you and you haven’t gotten help yet, sure! Just post periodically in the latest article as it comes out.
Wait Tsareena learns Play Rough? Gg confirmed best Grass type since Sceptile
Only by breeding tho
It still has a total Fire and Flying weakness that can’t be countered by itself
The strongest grass move it gets is Trop Kick,which has 70 base power. It also has terrible stats and is pretty much useless.
after days of hunting finally got shiny foamantis
That Fomantis is spoiled
Nice job,bro.I actually got a Shiny Sandygast from a Wonder Trade last night.Just wanted to share that.
I’ll trade you a shiny Misdreavus or Ditto for that
No thanks,bro.Thanks for the offer though.
it has its HA and 4ivs I think whats the highest the IV judge is
Ivs in what?
im asking when u look at the Judge thing in the PC whats the highest “Best” or “Fantastic”
ok thank u
I love it, congratulations! 😀
This was my reaction
Well that’s dumb….I don’t have an iPhone and I can’t say I really care about Marion Run, but that sounds like the dumbest mistake they could have made with it.They’re already forcing people to pay $10 for it and now they’re saying that you can’t play it wherever you are unless you’re using up your data or on WiFi? That seems like it’ll cost them. Maybe not a huge amount as I’m sure people will still download and buy the game, but it certainly does seem like a move that would bring a lot of criticism.
Generations episode 16 has dropped on YT!
Lysandre is Steve Jobs
I noticed that too
My Shiny female DBHA Ralts finally hatched! 26 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 IV’s, not perfect but I am very pleased with her ^_^
Dang, how long did that take
Too long… I had both 6IV parents so guaranteed 5. I’ve been tired and have a head cold so I’ve been mindlessly breeding for about a week.
I don’t think I would have had the patience for that while sick
I am a very patient creature with not a lot else to occupy my mind :3
What set are you going to run on it when it’s evolved?
Probably Psyshock, Hyper Voice, Will-O-Wisp and Focus Miss.
You mean Focus Blast?
Ooh…nice. I really like that blue colour on the Shiny Ralts line.
Did you want Telepathy on it? I find either of the two abilities more useful, but then again depending if singles or doubles…
Also that’s Gen 6 right?
Thanks, I really just wanted it in Dream Ball. I’ll probably Capsule it to Trace.
I must smash its skull in with a piece of rebar
That could be a project, get a nice two and a half pole of rebar, get some of thick nuts and either string them with unbreakable twine and wrap it around the head and duct tape it together with hot glue unless maybe I can sodder it together, but once the whole thing is wrapped with nuts I’ll duct tape the entire thing making a club that packs a wallop
And after that my Jawbreaker in a tube sock
You mean solder?
I’ll take this as you congratulating me on my hatch 🙂
I never congratulate anybody, this is a known fact
Hi all. This Mario run is only for apple?
For now
Doing some tests with mons with moves that they should be able to get
L-Seed Decidueye and Play rough Tapu are insane
How do you utilise them?
Honestly Play Rough is worthless on them,
You’re just going to spam its terrain type for more
And Leech Seed only slows the impending doom Decidueye is beckoning with its piss poor everything
Decidueye is great.
Says who, it’s slow and has a very exploited Knock Off weakness which becomes apparent with each passing day
Honestly this thing along with Incineroar got the raw deal in terms of usability outside a main story campaign
I’d argue Primarina is the worst in Singles. Incineroar will be like a discount Arcanine once it gets Intimidate.
It would be…. if it wasn’t dark fire…. that type is like Ice type tier defensively
Decidueye still can be used though
Incineroar is just crap
Incineroar is actually pretty damn good!
Ummmmmm, competitively? Nah boi, not in the slightest
Then you just haven’t thought of its potential. Sure it’s speed is shit, but it makes up for it with its bulk and physical attack
I thought of it, the bulk doesn’t matter. Don’t get me wrong, it could have been good… it just got stuck with a REALLY BAD defensive typing
True, but still it could have its uses
Outside of just
There are bad weaknesses…. and than there are weaknesses that cripple you
Being weak to three of the most common types in the game and rocks is not good
The only weakness it gains from Dark is fighting, which isn’t great. The only other issue is losing resistance to Fairy for neutral damage.
That’s enough to ruin it
It will still do well in lower tiers.
True… Honestly i think it’s the worst fire type starter
Not even close to the worst, it’s not the best but it’s not the worst either
Who’s worse?
A male Salandit.
I meant to write worst fire starter
I really don’t think there are any worse ones
Delphox, I had such high hopes for it, it fell short spectacularly
Delphox is not worse competitively. It was near the top of RU for a long time and actually hits quite damn hard. And with coverage like that,,,,,
I meant that though it COULD hit hard, the rest of its stats were pretty bad.
It’s also really fast which works for it and has a decent attack stat.
Also Mystic Fire got buffed
It isn’t my favourite, I still like it though.
I mean competitively
I can respect you for liking it … i think it looks hideous
In terms of starters either it or Emboar are weakest to me.
It’s actually weaker. Emboar is better, it has a better typing defensive, doesn’t have swollen bee hands and….. it’s faster….
Leech seed would be great
It already suffers from 4 move syndrome. It’d be nice, but it’s not a killer for it not to have it.
It fixes a lot about it though
I tested it afterall
It doesn’t because of this.. it is actually REALLY bulky with it, it can tank literally almost anything on the special side easy
And play rough is for Koko, he does get a lot of use out of it
Not really just a Stab attack for its stupid fairy half
It sucks as a physical attacker only having Wild Charge boosted by Electric terrain and that’s it
It can either run Brave Bird or U-Turn with. Choice Band but it just has a shit physical movepool and Play Rough isn’t happening for a long time
But Play rough is really good on it though, for fairy stab? It’s insane!
AAARGH WHY IS TYPE: NULL NOT BREEDABLE? I would have used it if not for the lame Gentle nature ffs
Because it’s a artificial weapon?
So? I want it to breed and I should always get what I want because I give them my money
I know you’re being sarcastic but in all honesty, I don’t think giving a bioweapon with the strength to kill the GODS of the Pokemon world the ability to breed would be a good idea
soft reset?
Wish I could but I saved the game after I got it lol. My own mistake but I haven’t finished Moon yet so i have a second chance
Dude, it’s an artificially created superweapon meant to slay GODS. I don’t think gender would play a factor.
Genderless Pokémon can breed, as can artificial Pokémon (which are largely the genderless ones). My guess I this is purely a lore thing.
I meant that since it is an organism that is formed from the imperfectly spliced DNA of varying species, it would not have a proper way to breed with other Pokemon, as its DNA would be irreplicable naturally.
Sure, I just meant Gender wouldn’t be an issue in these games. Ditto could still replicate it. It really is just so that it’s like legendaries.
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