Super Mario Run Won’t Work Offline

Gamers hoping to take Super Mario Run on the go without a cellular (or mobile WiFi) connection may be disappointed to learn that the game requires an ‘always-on’ internet connection to function.

With its December 15th iOS launch date nearing, those interested in purchasing should be aware of the restrictions that come along with its $10 price tag.

Will the game be on your holiday wish list? Or is this enough to put it permanently on the naughty list until Nintendo reconsiders?

123 thoughts on “Super Mario Run Won’t Work Offline”

  1. Omg just saw the new English trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2.8. Life is meaningless until January 24th

      • The worst part is some people will fork out stupid amounts of money to play the game so the developers will justify the charge.

      • That’s Nintendo’s problem with mobile. Their apps are cool because they are unique and have that Nintendo charm but not enough content to keep players for longer than a month

        • Unique? In what way? Every aspect of this game has been used in thousands of games already! Nintendo is VERY late in the mobile gaming franchise. Should’ve started jumping in 2 years ago when side running games were more popular and their ideas weren’t recycled just with Nintendo’s name branded on top. Was so excited for this game, but I don’t want to pay $10 and always be using my internet when I open it.

  2. What’s the reason for needing an internet connection all the time for the game? Are you constantly playing against other players?

  3. Wasn’t the whole point of putting Nintendo games on mobile devices to make their franchises more accessible?

    But then you put a $10 price tag, limit it to iOS devices and make it necessary to have data.

  4. I really hate how many games are always online nowadays. Well, I hate a lot of triple A stuff in gaming nowadays but the always online stuff kills me the most. The only time a game should need an internet connection is if you are doing something online. Not just playing single player with no other players or extra content

      • I really hope they don’t mess those two games up,especially Fire Emblem.After Fates,I just want a good Fire Emblem game again (I don’t hate the game,I just don’t like it and don’t consider it to be all that good)

        • Honestly I’d star setting my expectations for the FE mobile game low now. I mean we can’t expect much out of it, but certainly not the sort of gameplay as we’re use to.

          As for your feelings of Fates, let’s be completely honest here. While the FE fandom can agree on the objectively good and bad points of any game, nobody can agree with what games are good or bad. Personally I loved fates, I hate FE 9 and honestly until Awakening I felt that FE 7 was going to be he last good entry, and even then I would argue most of what came before it was hot garbage at worst and a reason to get the creator of Fire Emblem off the series at best.

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    • Exactly. Shooters and couch coop have been ruined. Even halo that helped keep it alive cut it in favor of fps. It’s so dumb

  5. Anyone would like breedject Torkoals? They have 3 egg moves including the important one, Eruption. Quiet nature with probably zero speed.

  6. Well that’s dumb….I don’t have an iPhone and I can’t say I really care about Marion Run, but that sounds like the dumbest mistake they could have made with it.They’re already forcing people to pay $10 for it and now they’re saying that you can’t play it wherever you are unless you’re using up your data or on WiFi? That seems like it’ll cost them. Maybe not a huge amount as I’m sure people will still download and buy the game, but it certainly does seem like a move that would bring a lot of criticism.

  7. Doing some tests with mons with moves that they should be able to get
    L-Seed Decidueye and Play rough Tapu are insane

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