Keldeo Gallops To Europe! + Pokédex Pro

For those UK and European Pokémon players out there, GAME and Gamestation stores will be distributing a Keldeo event from September 1st to October 11th for the Black and White games. Whether or not this is linked to the Japanese event remains to be seen. So what about you guys? Do you like Keldeo’s design and forms? Would you have it in your team? Comment and discuss below!

As a little side note,  it may be hard for some to receive the event due to GAME stores closing down all over the UK. Just hope there is still one in your neighbourhood!

And for all European, the Pokédex 3D Pro will release on November 8th, keeping in line with the American release. The original Pokédex 3D will be removed from the eShop just the day before BW2 launch, being October 11th. If you ask me, it’s a handy little tool but a bit overpriced, especially as you can easily look up that data elsewhere on the internet. They could easily shave off half the price, but I guess they don’t want it to compete with normal guidebooks. What do you think of it?

~Daedardus~ & Silver, out!