Saw a bottle of C.C. Lemon at my local JUSCO and it had a little magnet bundled with it (many anime and game franchises offer little figures, stickers, or magnets with products). Being pokejungle, I obviously had to buy it just to get the little minccino trinket. I do like CC Lemon already so it wasn’t like I was buying a drink I didn’t want to consume :p
Kind of a lame little magnet, but still was kind of cute (^ー^)
<3 pokejungle
ps- It was good to get back to my MySpace photo-whoreness in this picture. Yayz.
pps- Keep up with my non-Pokemon related Tokyo exploits on my blog. 😀
ppps- Decide to remove article about GTS mainly because, at the end of the day, it’s still basically cheating 😡