BW Elite 4 UNTAMED: Caitlin

  Happy mid-week, everyone! It’s that time again for another fabulous article of BW Elite 4 Untamed, written by yours truly. I hope the past week has been a good one for all. Mine was fair up until this past weekend when I started feeling under the weather. I missed work on Monday to go … Read more

BW Elite 4 UNTAMED: Grimsley!

Hello, Pokejungle followers! I hope everyone is having a great day. I sure am as today is a national Korean holiday, so we have the day off! We don’t get many days off in Korean private schools, so we take all that we can get. I’ll be heading out in a bit to a vegetarian … Read more

BW Elite 4 UNTAMED: Shauntal

Good day, everyone! Mr. Bojinngles here bringing you a brand new follow up article to the recently ended Gym leaders: Untamed! series. What series of articles, you might ask? Well the only logical step is to discuss an overview of the Elite Four! I’ll be providing an overview of Pokemon Black and White’s own Elite … Read more

Unova Gyms UNTAMED: Opelucid City

  Hello, Pokejunglers! Mr.Bojingles is back for another installment of Unova Gyms: Untamed! I’m sure you’ve all had a rather busy week wasting away the hours on Diablo 3 (I sure have). I’ve found myself quite addicted. I would recommend dropping the dough if you have a decent computer available. Message me if you would … Read more

Unova Gyms UNTAMED: Icirrus City!

  Good day, everyone! Mr.Bojingles here bringing you the seventh installment of Gym Leaders: Untamed. I hope you all have had a wonderful week. I’m fairly excited with all of the wonderful recent news regarding Black and White 2 and the special appearance of old faces. I hope more news will come this weekend! I … Read more

Unova Gyms UNTAMED: Mistralton City

Happy Tuesday/Wednesday, everyone! Justin here, reporting another article of Gym Leaders: Untamed! I hope you’ve all had a great week thus far. I’ve got nothing new to report on my end. It’s been a gorgeous week in South Korea, but I feel the heat and humidity slowly creeping up on us. It’s going to be … Read more