To celebrate the Pokémon Latin America International Championships, which are taking place from November 15-18 and you can watch on Pokémon’s Twitch channel, a special Mystery Gift distribution has started! Read on to find out how you can claim a Shiny Pelipper.
How to receive Shiny Pelipper in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
You can receive a Shiny Pelipper based on Patrick Connors’ from the 2024 Pokémon North America International Championships by following the steps below:
- Open ‘Poké Portal’ from Scarlet and Violet‘s menu.
- Choose ‘Mystery Gift’ option and then ‘Get With Code/Password’
- Input code W1DEGUARDLA1C25
The code will expire on November 22, so you don’t have much time to redeem it!
Pelipper Mystery Gift details

Details for the Pelipper players can receive:
Basic details
- Level: 50
- Ability: Drizzle
- Tera Type: Ghost
- Held Item: Focus Sash
- OT: Patrick
- Nature: Modest
- Protect
- Weather Ball
- Hurricane
- Wide Guard
Let us know in the comments if you’ve received the Mystery Gift yet and if you’re watching the LAIC action! Don’t forget to join our Discord server as well.