JungleTalk: Ask PokéJungle


Ask PokéJungle: July/August 2013

We like to have a strong interaction with our readers here on PokéJungle, and although we do get involved in the discussions with you guys in the comments, we don’t always get the opportunity to hear from each of you directly. Last month we published the first Ask PokéJungle and it is safe to say it was a hit. We got hundreds of questions and we answered all those we could. So, after a little persuasion from the other staff, and the new Jungle Talk moniker…

We’re back! And we want questions from you guys. Questions about anything, this is your chance to get the answers to any questions you may have. We will do our best to answer as many as we can, assuming they’re suitable of course (if anyone asks anything that we perceive as unsuitable we will ignore and remove it).

If you have questions for a specific staff member make it known so that we can get them in to answer for you. So, yeah? Have at it! Questions about absolutely anything, Pokémon related or not, fire away! This is your chance to get to know a little more about us, the site or pretty much anything else!

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