Happy 4th!

Posting this a bit early, but happy 4th to all Americans~   I will be at work for the day, so I wanted to get this up now @_@;  Enjoy the fairs, fireworks, etc No new news on the gaming front, all is calm.  Hopefully that means there is a storm of information waiting to … Read more


When a new generation of Pokemon come out, what does that mean? Pokejungle updates PokePet with them! That is what I’m working on right now 🙂 Ripping the sprites out of screenshots and getting that up. Otherwise, since this is a site related post, you guys have any suggestions? I’m ALL ears. Whether it be … Read more

Under Construction…

Anyone who is watching can see me working on this blog haha xD EDIT: It’s beginning to look a lot better.  Right now I really just need to make the header image link back to the index and I’m finished 😀  Now to add news to the site hehe~  Waiting for CoroCoro to leak. Comments … Read more