Peak Pokémon merch: a Sizzlipede chair is now available in Japan

Fans of Sizzlipede may want to sit down… literally. A new chair from Japanese furniture company cleverly uses Sizzlipede’s design for the ultimate place to relax for fans of the Pokémon.

Pictures of the Sizzlipede chair

The product photos show just how good it would look in a chic family room and it does look comfortable. Also demonstrated are the various angles the back of the chair, headrest and footrest can be set at.

Specifications and pricing

The back of the chair measures 910 mm or 35.8 inches tall and the base where you sit is only slightly shorter at 900 mm or 35.4 inches. Both the headrest and footrest can also be adjusted. It is 680 mm across or almost 27 inches.

For buyers in Japan, the Sizzlipede chair costs ¥14,990 JPY. At current exchange rates, that’s about $102 US, but anyone ordering will most likely have to pay a bit more to the website they’re ordering from and then also pay what could be hefty shipping costs for such a large item.

Cellutane’s other impressive Pokémon seats

The Sizzlipede chair is not the only Pokémon place you can sit down, Cellutane has also produced Pokémon-inspired sofas as well. Thought I’d include a shout-out to these creative seats as well.

Let us know what you think of this amazing chair in the comments below! Am I slightly more prone to geek out about this because it features a Bug-type Pokémon? Yes, probably. But who doesn’t want a Sizzlipede chair of their own?!

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