Mysterious art had been “photographed” in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet‘s Paldea Region in a cryptic tweet from the official Pokémon account on Twitter yesterday, but further information and images have given fans more details.
The first look at Grafaiai
Grafaiai is a new Pokémon being introduced in Scarlet and Violet and we finally know what it looks like… sort of.

Instead of a full reveal, we’ve gotten the a silhouette of the Pokémon in a Paldean forest alongside its art. With its connection to art, many fans are wondering how similar this new species is to Smeargle. Its name seems to be a combination of graffiti and an alternate spelling of aye-aye, a real-world primate.
How similar it will look to its possible real-world counterpart (if at all) remains to be seen.
What do you think about these teases? Do you enjoy a prolonged reveal via social media versus appearance in a trailer? Let us know in the comments or on Discord!
January Giveaway
Both photos of aye-ayes used under the Creative Commons 2.0 license, the text of which can be found here.