Official Nintendo Magazine Says Pokémon’s 8th Generation Coming 2018

Spain’s Official Nintendo Magazine has mentioned the upcoming Pokémon game for the Nintendo Switch in a section highlighting the console’s exclusive games. Fans quickly noticed that the blurb included the fact that the game is noted as the first of the 8th generation.

Normally it is not a contentious issue whether or not a game falls within one generation or the next, but it has become a heated issue because of longstanding rumors that the Switch’s Pokémon game may be different from past releases. Some even fear that it may not feature new (or many) undiscovered Pokémon or take us to a new region. It’s worth pointing out that the header image is of Pikachu from Pokémon Yellow; a sly hint towards the series past and its future?

Any thoughts on the “Generation Issue” regarding this year’s Pokémon game?

UPDATE: I will caution readers that, as has been pointed out, this was published awhile ago and is not a “new” article, and publications have been very wrong in the pqst. It does have some relevance when contrasted with the Chinese rumors we’ve heard about, however, and provides some interesting speculation material in the end.

Thanks Ahnabella for uploading!