Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Poster Reveals New Details, Mysterious Figures

A poster for the upcoming games Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon has revealed some small details or hints about the titles. It is currently being used as advertising in Japan.

In it you can see that Lillie carries a Pokéball—she had aspired to be a trainer in the original Pokémon Sun & Moon games, but never truly had a Pokémon of her own. This suggests that she will have a somewhat different role this time around and may be a trainer herself now.

There are also several mysterious figures in the back which may be new looks for familiar characters or new ones entirely.

Twitter follower Dee shared a nice enhanced version that makes it easier to see them from a Japanese account, which we have included below:

Looks intriguing, no?! I think the art struck a very epic tone and now let’s just hope the games live up to it!