First Pokémon Bank Update Details Revealed (GO Support Coming?)

After our article yesterday decrying the lack of news regarding Pokémon Bank’s update to support Pokémon Sun & Moon details have finally started to make their way to the public. We’re not going to take credit for this, but we’re not not taking credit either 😉

The big news is mostly in regards to how Pokémon from Generation I games (digital 3DS re-releases) will be handled; they seem to be assigned at least three max IVs, have random natures and also have a chance to posses a Hidden Ability. They also are given a special mark that resembles a Gameboy to show their origin.

Games will also sync with Bank to update the National Pokédex and don’t need to be deposited to count towards it. We’ll bring more details as they appear.

UPDATE: Newly mined data from the Transporter update includes a special new mark which seems to denote Pokémon transferred from… Pokémon GO! The icon may be hard to decipher, but it looks like an ‘O’ inside a ‘G’ and it’s Japanese filename also hints that it is related to the smartphone game. Interesting! Credit goes to ReiKeima.