Pokemon Art Academy Contest

The Official Pokemon Company has recently announced that there will be a contest going on for those of you that have the 3DS game Pokemon Art Academy. Anyone, as long as you have the game, can have the opportunity to draw either Cosplay Pikachu or one of their own personal favorite Pokemon, and could potentially get their design printed on a real Pokemon card! A select panel of judges will pick six winners to have their drawing printed on 100 cards to be distributed in a currently unknown manner. But how do you enter?

  • Load up your copy of Pokemon Art Academy and head to Free Paint mode
  • Create and save an image of Cosplay Pikachu or a Pokemon of your choice
  • Select the “share” option and connect to Miiverse
  • You should find a “Post to Competition” option that you need to choose, then agree to the official rules
  • Determine whether your drawing falls into the Cosplay Pikachu category or the favorite Pokemon category
  • Choose your selected image and then “share”
  • Enter a title for your artwork, and you’re done!

The competition begins on February 18th, so you have some time to start brainstorming some potential ideas for your drawing. Note that only your first post will count as your submission–no revisions can be made. It ends on March 29th, with the winners finalized sometime in May. Let us know if you plan on participating in this contest as well! It would be nice to see some of your guys’ creations in the comments as well!